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Five Ways RecordPoint Helps You Get to a Modern Workplace
Jul 2, 2019 | RecordPoint, Records Management
By now you’ve likely heard the term ‘modern workplace’, so what exactly does it mean? Simply put, the modern workplace is free from traditional boundaries, enabling employees to work and collaborate in a secure and compliant manner, anywhere, any time, from any device. It’s a workplace that utilises technology to empower its employees, engage clients, improve operational efficiency, collaboration and protection of intellectual property.
The modern workplace helps organisations be more productive and efficient, while increasing security and compliance. The modern workplace allows employees to work anywhere from any device you use, giving users the best tools to get their work done most efficiently. However, it can be challenging to move from on-premises legacy environments to the modern workplace. Let’s look at five ways that RecordPoint helps to get you to the modern workplace.
#5: RecordPoint Removes Compliance Blockages to The Cloud
Many organisations use on-premises legacy systems to manage records and other content. However, they’re not sure if cloud applications can meet their advanced records requirements natively. This concern can cause an organisation to be hesitant to move to the cloud.
RecordPoint helps these organisations to meet advanced records management requirements. With Records365, users have access to the tools that they need to get their job done. This approach enables organisations to retire expensive legacy ECM systems and lower their costs by using cloud environments.
This retirement of legacy systems enables the modern workplace. It allows employees to get their work done on any device, in any location. Employees use tools that are intuitive and familiar.
By moving to a RecordPoint backed cloud environment, you’re increasing the security and auditability of your data. You will have insight into all the content across your environment. In on-premises environments, you only can analyze and secure content about which you know.
RecordPoint brings visibility to content across a variety of sources. Having your information in a RecordPoint backed cloud environment allows you to discover information and locate all your organisational content assets. Records365 then ensures that content is easily searchable, transparent, audited, and secured.
#4: RecordPoint Can Manage Any Cloud Service
RecordPoint Records365 is a purpose-built application designed for managing risk, compliance, and information governance. The connector model allows you to connect into any cloud application. You can also connect to on-premises applications.
Examples include Microsoft Office 365 applications. Records365 can manage SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and more.
RecordPoint also manages on-premises systems such as SharePoint on premises or file shares, and handles other cloud services such as Box, Dropbox, Confluence. More connectors are released frequently.
#3: RecordPoint Allows You to Manage All Your Content with One Set of Policies
RecordPoint Records365 allows you to manage your content better. Firstly, you’re able to auto-classify content according to your retention schedule and file plan. Â Secondly, you can view analytics and reporting to get valuable insights into the risk profile of your data. Next, you can see governance trends and other essential data points.
RecordPoint Records365 allows you to improve governance. You have insight into the life cycle of your content. This insight will enable you to make more informed decisions about your data. Once we can see all your content through the connectors, we can apply a broad set of policies.
Records365 can manage content for retention and disposition. This functionality allows you to meet your records management obligations. RecordPoint enables things like eDiscovery – you’re able to do one search across all sources, then apply a legal hold and/or add them to a case file.
RecordPoint also uses machine learning technologies to further automatically classify content. This capability is especially useful in previously unmanaged sources.
#2: RecordPoint Allows You to Manage Physical and Electronic Records Together
Many organisations have legacy physical record assets and may have an ongoing need to manage physical records. They need a system that can manage boxes, files, binders, and more. Organisations need to control the loan process. People need to check out physical records, check them back in, and track them along the way.
RecordPoint Records365 allows you to manage physical content alongside electronic content. You can manage both types of content together in one aggregated file. You can also see both types of content in reports, dashboards, searches, and views. This capability lets you see a single picture of all content across your modern workplace.
#1: RecordPoint Allows You to Govern Unmanaged Content Sources
Most organisations have some content locations that are a bit unorganised and chaotic. These locations might be things like file shares, Exchange mailboxes. It may also include Microsoft Teams environments or even Confluence workspaces.
RecordPoint Records 365 allows you to use machine learning models for classification. Machine learning will enable you to organize content into categories automatically. You’re able to use machine learning and our automated rules tree to classify content automatically. You can categorise it according to your file plan and retention schedule.
This approach helps you make sense of the chaos. Firstly, you can understand the risk profile of the content. Secondly, you can use governance to manage the content life cycle. Lastly, you can take control of your environment.
This approach also allows you to control and govern your content. You can defensively dispose of past due content. You can also better protect high-risk documents, and finally, you can enforce organisation policies.
Are you excited to start your journey to the modern workplace? Please visit us at RecordPoint.com to learn more about how to get started.
Erica Toelle
Product Evangelist, RecordPoint
Erica Toelle is the Product Evangelist at RecordPoint and a Microsoft MVP in Office Apps and Services. As an internationally recognised speaker on SharePoint, Office 365 and Productivity, Erica shares best practices and experience through conference sessions, workshops, webinars, and online publications. Erica has been helping customers with SharePoint since 2004 and has been hired as an expert by over 50 of the Fortune 500, the SharePoint Product Team, and Microsoft IT.
Erica was #13 on the 2018 International SharePoint Influencer list.
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