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Video: Social Media Archiving and the Evolution of Customer Service

Feb 6, 2019 | Records Management

With 52% of Australian businesses now utilising social media and ongoing recordkeeping breaches by public officials as well as organisations,  social media records management has become a hot topic. High social media adoption has created entirely new communication channels between organisations and their customers. As consumers, we are beginning to demand access to instant and social style messaging with our governments and companies. The shift in expectation is driving organisations to review or implement a social media policy to remain relevant and engaged with clients.

With this shift, regulators and legislative bodies are beginning to understand the importance of keeping a complete and thorough archive of interactions on social media, and as a result, have mandated social media archiving.

During this one-hour webinar we take a look at the evolution of social media’s role in how businesses communicate with their customers, protecting the privacy of customers’ data and records management in an ever evolving environment. We examine a social media archiving tool called Brolly, that was built with Australian government recordkeeping compliance in mind. Tune into this free webinar to join the discussion.


  • Social Media’s role in changing customer service engagement strategies
  • The balance between being open and being private, how platforms can enable this
  • Protecting your organisation and your citizens privacy, data and personal information
  • Record management in a private, changing medium

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