Miktysh Blog. 

Your go-to source for everything related to records and information management, information governance, Open Text (formerly Micro Focus), RecordPoint, Office365, EzeScan, InMailX, Objective and OnePlaceMail.



Infographic: How Much Data Is Generated on the Internet Each Day?

Infographic: How Much Data Is Generated on the Internet Each Day?

90% of internet data has been created since 2016, which means people have been pumping out incredible amounts of information each day. This infographic created by Micro Focus highlights areas such as social media, text messaging, internet population, email communication and desktop vs. mobile device usage.

Supercharge Your SharePoint Experience: Automate Repetitive Tasks with Power Automate

Miktysh Blog. Your go-to source for everything records management, eDRMS, Office 365, TRIM/Content Manager, RecordPoint, AvePoint, and EncompaaS related.Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, time is of the essence, and every minute counts. For end...

SharePoint Information Architecture: Best Practices and Tips

Many businesses as a reaction to the global covid 19 pandemic implemented SharePoint Online and Teams as part of their Microsoft 365 offering without taking the time to consider how their users navigate, search and structure their content. This is where the need for developing a SharePoint Information Architecture Framework comes into play.

What Does Records Management Look like in the Future?

What do quantum computing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence have to do with records management and compliance? Anthony Woodward, Chief Technology Officer at RecordPoint, explains.

How to Manage Your File Plan in RecordPoint Records365

A good file plan is an essential component to successfully managing records and information. In this video, Oshin Dsouza from RecordPoint demonstrates how to manage a File Plan in RecordPoint Records365.

Why Every Business Needs a Data Retention and Disposal Schedule

A data retention and disposal schedule forms an important foundation for managing organisational data. Establishing an effective and legally compliant policy can significantly benefit your business, by helping to manage risk and legal compliance, whilst maintaining or improving operational efficiencies. Read more here.

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Miktysh Records Management Award BRW - Micro Focus Content Manager Support
Miktysh Records Management Award - HP TRIM Support
Miktysh Records Management Award Deloitte
Information Management Award
Telstra Business Award for Records Management Strategy
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Award Records Management Services Australia
Technology Award for Records Management Brisbane
Technology Award for Records Management Brisbane