Retention and Disposal Schedule Reviews (RDS Reviews)
Our team of experts regularly assist with creating, reviewing and implementing RDS. Our consultants are well versed in legislative requirements and industry best practices to provide recommendations for improvement.
Retention and disposal schedule reviews and implementations.
A retention disposal schedule outlines when a record should be disposed of. Although some retention schedules are available through local archives, these only cover general administrative functions. It is recommended organisations create their own schedules to ensure legislative recordkeeping compliance and that organisational best practices are in place.
Similar to a BCS review, we recommend conducting retention disposal schedule reviews;
- At least every two years
- When there is a change in business activity
- After a machinery of government (MOG) change
- When an RDS has been changed
Our team of specialists assists organisations with creating, reviewing and implementing retention disposal schedules. We identify organisational and legislative requirements, review existing schedules and business procedures to identify any issues that may exist, and provide recommendations for improvement of procedures, grouping of records and alignment of RDS and BCS.